Solenoid Valves
All models operate on 12V DC, using less than 10 Watts. This is the electrically operated water switch which is cut into the riser pipe, between the taps (or mixer) and the shower outlet. The Retrofit solenoid valves are fitted at the shower head. You can purchase your own solenoid valve or we can supply you one of three models to suit your choice of controller.
Standard Model
Glass reinforced nylon. 20mm male in x 20mm male out. Weight 150gm.

Our price $35
Battery Model Aust and NZ
Glass reinforced nylon, latching. 15mm female in x 15mm male out. Weight 150gm.

Our price $40
Heavy Duty Model
DZ Brass. 15mm female BSP in x 15mm BSP male out. Weight 450gm
We can supply male in and female out for the USA market.

Our price $150
Power pack
Our a power pack, suitable for Australia and New Zealand comes with a 1.8m low voltage lead, sufficient for standard ceiling height
- Input Voltage and configuration to suit local power supply
- Output 12 V DC Regulated, 10 Watts minimum
- 2.1mm DC plug to suit the circuit board input socket

Our price $35
Shower controller complete unit
Comes with power (no battery) and appropriate solenoid valve.
Standard model | 115x100x25mm 450gm $290 |
Battery Model | 223x116x53mm 700gm $240 |
Economy Model | 180x100x50mm 500gm $230 |
Heavy Duty Model | 223x116x53mm 1kg $420 |
Postage within Aust | $15 |
Note: All prices are in Australian dollars.